Putting the fun back into dating

At Secret Alchemy, we want your dating journey to be just as fun and enjoyable as your destination. To forget the dread and embrace the excitement. To feel confident and curious instead of ready to be let down.  Don’t get us wrong, we know that things won't always go according to plan. After all, finding your ideal match doesn’t always happen overnight. But what we can promise, is that you’ll feel understood, supported and ready to date in a way that works for you.  

Sound like a plan?


Your dating dream team

At Secret Alchemy, you’ll have access to everyone from matchmakers and dating coaches, to stylists and photographers. That way, when you’re out having fun with your ideal match, you’ll look every bit as good as you feel. 

Click on their photo below to learn more.


MATCHMAKER & founder

Laura is a certified Matchmaker and an accredited Dating Coach. She has 20 years experience of working with people to solve the obstacles in their lives. She founded Secret Alchemy so that she could build on her mission to help professional singles to have a more fulfilling love life.


Saskia is the founder of Hey Saturday, the first and coolest dating and matchmaking photography agency in the UK and US and is recognised as a leading industry expert in the UK and the US on all things dating & matchmaking photo related. She is also the host of the five-star podcast, Shoot Your Shot: The Art of Dating Profile Pictures.


Leanne is an experienced Personal Stylist with a passion for helping people find their true confidence in style. As a trained confidence coach, Leanne believes that style should be an extension of your personality and when putting yourself out into the world you should be showcasing YOU, not just the latest trends.

psychotherapist & coach

John is a psychotherapist, counsellor and coach. He has 20 years experience helping people to transform their lives and fulfill their potential. If childhood experiences or unhappy past relationships are affecting your ability to form and sustain a happy relationship in the present, then therapy may be the best option before coaching.


Bad dates…we’ve all been there

We’ve done our fair share of dating. And believe us when we tell you, we’ve had more than our fair share of bad dates. Profile pictures that were taken 15 years ago. Cheesy pick-up lines. Messages left on read. It’s like the dating world was designed to make us feel like the whole thing’s just a waste of time. But after every no show, every awkward conversation, and every single ghosting following what we thought was a really good date, we started to think; there’s got to be a better way. And there is. 

contact us and get matched!


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